It’s summertime, meaning things slow down a little bit, while I’m getting ready for two weeks of intense teaching in early August. I’m also spending a lot of time on my own photographic practice right now. Regular programming will continue over the summer, albeit occasionally at slightly slower speed.
That said, I’ve been working on adding a couple of features to this site that I have had in my mind for a long time. They’re not linked up in the site’s navigation, yet, but they’re available.
For a start, I compiled an Index of the relevant writing that has appeared on this site (and its earlier incarnations). I never used tags consistently, so this required quite a bit of work. But I think the result is very, very useful (the Index is updated on a regular basis, as new content is being published). Have a peek – it’s very easy to find older pieces using the Index.
Also, I started compiling a list of Recommended Readings. Much like the Index, this page is going to get updated – whenever I can think of a book to add. While the list essentially is an incomplete work in progress, I do hope you will enjoy reading the books.
Not the photography I was talking about above, but still: if you’re on Instagram get your share of photographs of cats, discarded lottery tickets, free stuff, and more here.